That surprised me the first time I (cishet, a teenager at the time) was hit on by another guy. I was flattered much more than I was weirded out. I wouldn’t have expected that reaction.
I was flattered…as well as glad that at least once that night, even if the guy was gonna get shot down, he wouldn’t be given a rough time about it.
It hadn’t occurred to me until then what a minefield the single bar scene must be for a gay person, and of course right on the heels of that, my sudden understanding of why gay bars were such a big thing.
I am just happy to know when someone finds me attractive, straight, gay or other.
That surprised me the first time I (cishet, a teenager at the time) was hit on by another guy. I was flattered much more than I was weirded out. I wouldn’t have expected that reaction.
He was a nice guy. I hope he found someone.
I was flattered…as well as glad that at least once that night, even if the guy was gonna get shot down, he wouldn’t be given a rough time about it.
It hadn’t occurred to me until then what a minefield the single bar scene must be for a gay person, and of course right on the heels of that, my sudden understanding of why gay bars were such a big thing.
I’m not very bright, but I am very oblivious!