Thanks to the DEA’s massive overreach, for the third time in 5 or so months I’ve had to call a pharmacy outside my area to get my Concerta. My regular pharmacy gave me what they had, which I’m grateful for, but that left me short 7 pills. I then had to:

-Find a pharmacy that had the medicine I needed in the proper dose

-Call my doctor to have him send a new prescription over to that pharmacy since you’re not allowed to just show them your current one

-Drive about 15-20 minutes to get there

-Wait in line, give them my driver’s license (which I don’t have to do at my normal pharmacy) and sign a bunch of shit before finally leaving with it.

I’m just tired of this song and dance. Concerta works best for me though and isn’t too expensive with a coupon. I just want the DEA to stop micromanaging ADHD meds. I understand some oversight is needed but they go way overboard. Feel free to vent your frustration here as well.

    1 year ago

    I haven’t been affected by the shortages myself, as apparently Vyvanse is unaffected, but I’m with you on this one. Fuck the DEA. They made it harder for my mom with chronic pain to get her meds during the crackdown on opiates.

    The way to reduce medication abuse isn’t by punishing people with legitimate need for the medication. It’s by a) making society suck less so that people feel less compelled to abuse drugs, and b) providing support for addicts. Granted, I suppose the DEA doesn’t have much power to do either of those things, but still. They could at least leave us alone.

      1 year ago

      Vyvanse is less affected because there is no generic and most insurance won’t cover name brand.

      I’m lucky mine will cover name brand so even before I switched I could still get my Adderall brand extended release.