things are in fact going extremely badly but we’ll see if they pick up starting tomorrow night for reasons that will preclude me being here for about a week (seeing my SO)

    1 year ago

    That’s great to hear. Who knows maybe this is enough. It can be annoying to change those pesky habits.

    Well I am quite active on my phone actually before I sleep and it’s OK for me. I’d say experiment with it. At least turn on the blue light filter and keep the light down in your room. Avoid blue light. You might also want to avoid intense news and images and focus on longer texts. For example Wikipedia or librera/kindle. Or longer posts here.

    A more extreme approach (extreme by today’s standards) would be not to have your phone in bed with you at all. Grab a book instead. It’s basically just a really long post from someone I think :)

    Also when you get that sleepy feeling, go for it. Ignoring it will make it disappear for quite a while. At least that’s what I read and it applies to me.

    If your ryrhm is screwed you can fix it by skipping a night or by doing lots of exercise.

    And meditation. Well there’s countless ways. If you’ve never tried it before you might want to start with a body scan or with a breathing exercise. You can do this at any point during the day, even in meetings and during presentations.

    There’s a lot of info online and also many apps. A lot of them are paid but are worth it. If you have Netflix, I believe it also has a course called mind space. There’s also a paid app by that name.

    In short, meditation is about identifying with your awareness. More practically speaking, take the body scan. You focus on your big toe. Maybe even wiggle that baby. Then move up to the arch and the ankle, the lower leg. All the way up. You can even try to wiggle your nose, maybe your colleagues will notice! The point is that you are selectively focusing on a part of your body and moving that focus slowly and patiently.

    The breathing one is just like it. But you focus on your breathing this time. Try taking in a deep breath and let it out slowly. Just doing that will reduce your stress, and focusing on it will help even more.

    Ya it’s really that simple. All the deeper stuff is basically just playing around more with your ability to focus and be aware.