I have this Meyer lemon tree in a pot. The leaves are slowly but steadily falling off, and each little lemon turns completely black and falls off before it even grows to like a centimeter or two. What could I be doing wrong? I have a soil moisture meter and I only water it when the meter reads “dry”. Could it be my grow light isn’t right or isnt strong enough?
I can only say things based on the appearance of your plant, maybe my “diagnostics” are wrong… The soil seems a bit dry, and they like wet soil, the place seems a bit cold, I don’t know, to produce lemons you need a good warm temperature, maybe 26-27 ° celsius. Also, maybe she had consumed some of the minerals and nutrients in the soil, try to renovate organic material… if it is the only light source that plant has, I believe that it needs more light to produce lemon, maybe 6 hours of sun per day minimum. Plants indoors tend to become filthy, so maybe you have to clean the leafs to increase the photosynthesis metabolism and to “spray” some water on it every 2 or 3 days.