(can’t post link currently as their site is down again lol)

Not only did they not differentiate gender between cis and trans, it also came out that they’re like 80% white and they instantly got into a struggle session because the admin said that number was “unfortunate” can’t make this shit up lmao

  • Othello [comrade/them, love/loves]@hexbear.net
    1 year ago

    do you think hexbear ISNT 80% white? like I love yall (most of yall), but yall are uh not always normal about black people, nor do yall tend to have any sensitivity about it. Like do we not remember the kobe bryant stuff? a bunch of black users left the sub, I did too but I came back to you idiots (lovingly). but yeah I would never recommend hexbear to my black irl friends because yall would embarrass me.

    edit: oh look someone trying to start the kobe discourse again, im not even gonna debate you this convo is so overplayed, write about it in your diary.

    • AssortedBiscuits [they/them]@hexbear.net
      1 year ago

      It’s really obvious because whenever race comes up, Hexbear acts so fucking weird about it. It’s also why I haven’t left Twitter even under the Musk regime. On Twitter, you can at least see people’s faces and curate a TL where no one there is white, but everywhere else on the Anglophonic Internet, including here, will be super majority white on top of many alleged nonwhite accounts being some white person behind it a la /r/asablackman. White people fake being Indigenous to the point where actual Indigenous people have to coin a term for it called pretendian and they do the same for other ethnic groups, especially for Black people as a form of digital blackface.

      The only solution to the mayo problem is to either use social media where self-doxxing your face is completely normalized like Twitter or learn another language that white people don’t really speak (Chinese, Hindi, Arabic, Vietnamese) and use social media of that language.

    • aaaaaaadjsf [he/him, comrade/them]@hexbear.net
      1 year ago

      There was the Kobe stuff, which was very insensitive but can be chalked up to Reddit style edgelord behaviour

      The time people chased off someone that did actual real world groundwork, like organising their neighbourhood, by calling her a black nationalist was just straight up unacceptable to be honest. Can’t remember weather it happened on Reddit or here.

      • Othello [comrade/them, love/loves]@hexbear.net
        1 year ago

        hey there’s enough of yall chill mayos that i came back! so I think we could improve as a site definitely. LIke i remember a bunch of users dismissing the importance of affirmative action (annoying) , but they changed their minds when I explained its impact. I really felt heard and thats why I like stick around.