Canadian Geese [can’t] break bones because of how powerful their wings [aren’t-ish-kind-a-sorta] and they’re an eighth our size. Imagine one three times bigger lol (3x bigger roast). Sure their bones are fragile, but the muscles that are attached to them sure ain’t [not].
The good news is that you can rest easy. Birds that still retain the power of flight are essentially built for lightness rather than solidity, and while a swan can whip up fantastic wing tip speed its bones are too light for there to be any serious heft behind their blows.
'It’s a myth that they will break your leg or arm with their wings,’ John Huston of the Abbotsbury Swannery in Dorset told the BBC a few years ago. ‘They are not that strong and it’s mostly show and bluster.’
Canadian Geese [can’t] break bones because of how powerful their wings [aren’t-ish-kind-a-sorta] and they’re an eighth our size. Imagine one three times bigger lol (3x bigger roast). Sure their bones are fragile, but the muscles that are attached to them sure ain’t [not].
Well heck and hoopa dang cannit. Thanks for clearing that up for me lol, peace is an option (by ignoring them)!
It’s a very persistent myth.
And swans/geese are friggin scary when they flab about and hiss.