Belly_Beanis [he/him]

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 month ago
Cake day: August 8th, 2024


  • These people are always telling on themselves. We make games unrealistic so they’re fun. We make movies unrealistic so they’re entertaining. You absolutely do not want to play a game where you’re just curled up in a ball in a wet trench trying not to die during a 72 hour artillery barrage. It would be “muh realistic gritty,” but completely boring. People can’t even handle getting spawn camped.

    Sexual violence isn’t fun. It’s not something people should get entertainment out of. And it’s always directed towards women when it’s in games (despite SV happening to men in war). Wanting it in your video game puts up a giant red flag about what you find enjoyable.

  • Kids today are going to be a complete shit show and will be a case study on how mass illness affects trauma, phobias, etc. Even if we were to magically eradicate every disease on earth, people who grew up during the pandemic are going to be masking, social distancing, wiping every surface with bleach, and constantly washing their hands until the day they die. If their children get sick with even the mildest cold, they will freak the fuck out like their kid is on the verge of death.

    I’ve heard students who did remote learning in grade school who are now on middle school and high school are struggling to interact in-person. IIRC they got so used to doing things online, they don’t know how to stay focused in class or second guess everything they do.