Mrtryfe [none/use name]

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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 26th, 2020


  • Do I think the narrative of xer being a traitor of some kind would have blown up if he didn’t have a variety of marginalized statuses?

    Lol large part of why this blew up was because this person admitted to cashing checks from Lockheed for 15 years and having a loving enough family that covered their expenses, but still playing up a poverty porn narrative to grift on Patreon. Class lines are important, so why the identitarian emphasis on a situation that is more than just that?

  • They seem so like us. That is what makes it so shocking. War is no longer something visited upon impoverished and remote populations. It can happen to anyone

    This is making me so fucking angry. The fucking inhumanity dripping from this statement, as if War is just something passive that YOUR fucking countries and countrymen haven’t visited upon those ‘impoverished and remote’ populations. Fuck you. Shit like this makes me want to just not even give a fuck about the plight of the people being affected by all this. What would it mean to someone from all the war torn countries to see shit like this and wonder why they should care about an invaded populace that largely views them as savages?

  • Yep, and it’s also why someone like a Kissinger is so revolting - it’s US hegemony above all else. Here’s an excerpt from a Politico piece a few years ago, detailing Kissinger’s relativism:

    For instance, Kissinger’s five year bombing of Cambodia (which, by credible estimates, killed 100,000 civilians), along with his “savage” (Kissinger’s word) bombing of North Vietnam, was motivated by the opposite of realism: to try to bring about a world Kissinger believed he ought to live in (one in which he could, by the force of military power, bend peasant-poor countries like Cambodia, Laos and North Vietnam to his will) rather than reflect the real world they did live in: one in which, try as he might, he was unable to terrorize weaker nations into submission. “I refused to believe that a little fourth-rate power like North Vietnam does not have a breaking point,” Kissinger once complained.