StalinStan [none/use name]

  • 0 Posts
Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: April 9th, 2024


  • It is weird but I feel like I had had the most luck of late finding weird nerds to do nerd stuff with on fetlife. Not for everyone, and actually not as great for dating. Howver they are people that are 1. Used to going to events 2. Nerdy and weird. So in terms of finding a social group it is hard to get both in other places. Like 90% of everyone there woudl be down to play board games if you asked. Failing that the furry community probably has a something close enough you can check out. They are usually good nerds to visit. Then larp groups. Then finally board game shops / hobby shops. Doping on how populous your area is you can have more or less luck. In some places there are juggalos which we have come to learn are officially comrades in good standing.