tripartitegraph [comrade/them]

  • 5 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: November 28th, 2022


  • The example that helped things start to click for me was the relationship between poverty and charity. At first glance they feel like opposites, poverty is a lack in essential needs, charity is an concentration of those essentials, distributed to those without.

    But once you think about it some more, the only reason there is poverty is because some people have hoarded enough resources that they can dole them out as charity. Charity can only exist if poverty does, and poverty can only exist if the conditions for charity exist. Each contains the seed of the other within it, and they push and pull on each other. The more poverty there is, the more need for charity there is. The more charity exists, the more poverty that there must be. This is a dialectical relationship.

  • Not a clue where you’re located, so maybe this isn’t relevant to your situation, but when I worked at Target they explicitly told us they’d let shoplifters steal many times, until they had evidence you’d stolen enough to get a felony charge. Then they’d call the cops to ambush you outside the store.
    And stores would communicate about specific shoplifters who went on sprees at a bunch of different stores in an area.
    I imagine other retailers have roughly similar policies. So, all that to say, keep the monetary value low, shoplift at stores not close to where you live, don’t hit a place too many times, and mix up the places you shoplift from.