Alternate title :White-people-food:
Alts: Hog, Slop, Pigs, White, Food, Spicephobic
This compliments
We love our beautiful little piggies don’t we?
Now that I see it up close, it’s even worse. The potatoes are raw. Is that salami? Are those oranges?
And absolutely no seasoning or anything that would add flavour. I love half boiled potatoes and lunchmeat mixed together
shrimp don’t even look fully cooked.
not a splash of spice
Pretty sure it’s kielbasa
Stomach hurts just thinking about it.
It’s a good thing I don’t have a gallbladder anymore, because it changes my response from bilious to splenetic
Looks to me like it was all boiled together? Anyway
here piggies, seweee, seweee :)
wtf is this
The whitest take on a southern boil I’ve seen
That’s the uncanny valley aspect of this I couldn’t put my finger on. You can visibly see the lack of spice. That corn should be brownish red not vibrant yellow
I swear there are only two things contributing to taste, the sole lemon cut in half and the suspiciously pee looking liquid below the third chair
In case anyone missed the original thread:
why is it spread out on a big tarp?
For grazing