The Last game I played was Splatoon 3. It really depends on a few things, Am I an Inkling/Octoling? Do I speak the language? Where am I? In Splatoon lore all humans died in mass floods, so if I was still human I would probably be studied. Also, if I’m in the middle of the ocean I would be screwed either way. Assuming that I am in a major city or at least near civilization, and I am an Inkling/Octoling, and I speak the language, I would be fine. As for what I would do, I would sign up to work at Grizco, and once I have enough money buy a gun and participate in turf wars to gain money, eventually buying an appartment.
Stardew Valley.
You know what? I’m okay with this. Sign me up, I accept.
Samsies and samsies. Mortgage free farm in a quiet town with a evil corporation to screw over? Hell yeah.
Be careful in the mine
I’m playing fields of mistria which is basically the same so yeah I’m very okay with this
Sometimes you roll the Katamari, and sometimes the Katamari rolls you.
Minecraft Survival? Well, I wasn’t playing on hardcore, so I guess I’d be alright.
Or, hmm, on my phone, Pikmin Bloom. A vast army of adorable minions to accompany me as we wander around Chicago in search of public art; not so bad.
Euro Truck Simulator 2, so all things considered, pretty chill
Snowrunner, so yeah, same. Maybe I’d be lonely after a while.