so yea … planning to do that now… but how does it work? what even is meditating? how long to do it? (or be it? and what is it? 🤔) and when they say needs to be daily do they like literally mean daily?

also anyone got the full episode of this one? 🥺 (love the guy, but cannot afford patreon right now)

thanks, love you all 🥰

  • 12022081631 [he/him]
    15 days ago

    idk what this patreon link crap is. i dont have money for patreon, and its probably a psyop by Big Pat.

    if you really wanna know how to meditate, you should probably take a crap first and drink some water. if your place is too hot or cold that might be distracting. put on some comfy clothes.

    find a spot to sit on the floor that is comfortable. if you have a disability or some characteristic that makes sitting on the floor too much, you can also just sit in a chair.

    whats meditating. meditating is sitting down and not thinking.

    set a timer for however long you want. 30 minutes would be good. 60 minutes if youre feeling like an overachiever.

    stop thinking. start sitting. dont think.

    edit: i forgot to mention posture. you should be sitting up straight and your legs should be crossed in such a way that you dont like lose circulation or die or something. the way you sit shouldnt be distracting and it probably shouldnt hurt but if youre the average g*mer you probably have a messed up posture you gotta work on anyway. setting up for meditation probably involves a good five minutes of fidgeting before you find a comfortable posture. once you start to feel comfortable you should try to “feel” your body as it relates to the floor you are sitting on, as the floor relates to the foundation, as the foundation relates to the ground, et cetera until you stop thinking

    did you just think? why were you thinking? label that thought, put it away, go back to not thinking.

    did you just think? why were you thinking? label that thought, put it away, go back to not thinking.

    did you just think? why were you thinking? label that thought, put it away, go back to not thinking.

    hey. your timer just went off. what is it that you were thinking about? what was your brain doing, and why was it distracting you with those thoughts? how did you feel about those thoughts, i.e. what emotions and did those emotions come from your thoughts or were they a reaction to them