The french gendarmerie recently received a new vehicle, it’s a tank equipped with a machine gun and 40mm grenade launcher. They’re deployed in our colony, Caledonia, to enforce an apartheid. They were also used against ecology protesters recently. Last year, a racist cop murdering a kip sparked revolts, anti-terorism units were deployed and shot kids with 12 gauge shotguns. It’s not just america, the rich and powerful are at war with the people everywhere.
It’s not just america, the rich and powerful are at war with the people everywhere.
The timing is so weird to me. Like they’ve been amassing riches and power for decades…why did they decide to escalate the conflict now? Do they really believe that a revolution is coming or something? They are continually winning a bloodless propaganda battle to keep accumulating wealth and let everyone else starve, yet they keep escalating things. It’s bizarre to behold.
The inequality is worse than it has been in over a century, people are living closer to the edge than ever, employers are taking the piss at this point, and climate change is beginning to sting. All this is to say that it’s not just the workers feeling the pinch - it’s the petite bourgeoisie too. That scares capital enough to arm themselves more, but not enough to start making concessions.
The french gendarmerie recently received a new vehicle, it’s a tank equipped with a machine gun and 40mm grenade launcher. They’re deployed in our colony, Caledonia, to enforce an apartheid. They were also used against ecology protesters recently. Last year, a racist cop murdering a kip sparked revolts, anti-terorism units were deployed and shot kids with 12 gauge shotguns. It’s not just america, the rich and powerful are at war with the people everywhere.
The timing is so weird to me. Like they’ve been amassing riches and power for decades…why did they decide to escalate the conflict now? Do they really believe that a revolution is coming or something? They are continually winning a bloodless propaganda battle to keep accumulating wealth and let everyone else starve, yet they keep escalating things. It’s bizarre to behold.
The inequality is worse than it has been in over a century, people are living closer to the edge than ever, employers are taking the piss at this point, and climate change is beginning to sting. All this is to say that it’s not just the workers feeling the pinch - it’s the petite bourgeoisie too. That scares capital enough to arm themselves more, but not enough to start making concessions.
Yeah iirc Caledonia is somewhere in the British Isles.
C’est absolument dégueulasse…