One thing I don’t understand about chuds and libs is this insistence that the “far left” lives in Ivory towers? A lot of people who use this site, for example, are poor, and the other part of the site are mildly comfortable with tech jobs or whatever. Neither of these constitutes '“ivory towers”
This is just projection, they run most if the liberal “democracies” in the world. They own all of the businesses, the media and education.
Pure projection. It’s like how Fox News hosts use the term “special interest Ivy League elites” when Bill O’Reilly and Ben Shapiro literally graduated from Harvard.
One thing I don’t understand about chuds and libs is this insistence that the “far left” lives in Ivory towers? A lot of people who use this site, for example, are poor, and the other part of the site are mildly comfortable with tech jobs or whatever. Neither of these constitutes '“ivory towers”
This is just projection, they run most if the liberal “democracies” in the world. They own all of the businesses, the media and education.
Ivory tower is a reference to academia, not luxury per se
Ok but that’s still implying all people on the far left are academics, which is wrong as hell
And also, academics aren’t paid that much, so it’s not like they’re billionaires or anything.
it’s not about pay, it’s about anti-intellectualism.
Those god damn commies and their thinking! Don’t they know that thinking ruins america!?
I know plenty of professors who sleep in their cars. I literally walked past one the night after the election.
They work in ivory towers. Where they pull the strings from.
Ivory towers though!
Pure projection. It’s like how Fox News hosts use the term “special interest Ivy League elites” when Bill O’Reilly and Ben Shapiro literally graduated from Harvard.
Their definition of “far left” is Soros though