• themeatbridge@lemmy.world
        3 months ago

        Ain’t nobody storming the capitol for Biden. I would have voted for him, or anyone really over Trump, but I’m not going to become a domestic terrorist for the guy.

        • Aeao@lemmy.world
          3 months ago

          I think my short joke didn’t adequately explain things properly.

          I’m nearly 40. I’ve voted exactly twice. Both times I voted against Trump.

          I’ve never liked a single politician. I can’t think of a single one I feel did more good then harm. Other than exactly 2 times I never looked at an election and thought “one candidate is ‘lesser evil’ enough to matter. Different enough for me to take time out of my busy day to actually make a choice.” I’ve only seen 2 elections that made me think “if I don’t vote my life would be impacted more than taking a day off work”

          Edit: for example, if someone said to me "climate change and global warming are moving faster than we though. Pedestrian casualties from car accidents are higher than eever before. So we need you to vote for the best car. Honda Civic or honda Accord "

          I’m sure there are differences between the civic and the accord. Maybe some of those differences might impact the actual problems I’m worried about. It wouldn’t impact it meaningfully enough for me to research the civic and accord, take a day off of work, wait in line, then choose. However if the choice was the Honda Accord vs redneck bobbie’s illegally lifted truck that’s why too high to even see the car in front of you much less pedestrians and it’s got that oil leak that sprays onto the engine sending cancerous fumes everywhere plus he also let his breaks go for the past three years because, “if I wanted to slow down I wouldnt be driving!”… I might vote the Honda Civic is a better car. Not because I think the civic is awesome, Bobby shouldn’t be driving that fuckin truck.

          I wouldn’t storm the capital for Biden. I wouldn’t do shit for Biden. I would and did put effort into “not trump”

          I’m not going to storm the capital for “not trump” any time soon but depending on how things go later… It’s still too early to say for sure.

  • MaXimus421@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    Yeah, that shoe fits. Definitely. But what’s also fucked up is what his party has put him through. It’s essentially elderly abuse. Making a senile old man attempt to do what he mentally and physically cannot, and only after he’s embarrassed them to the point that it can no longer be overlooked, they pull the rug from underneath him and usher that brainless Kamala Harris in.

    You literally gave the election away, morons. Thanks 😂

  • jimmydoreisalefty@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    An exclusive Daily Mail poll found Biden was less impressive than Jimmy Carter, who was voted out after a single term after presiding over double-digit inflation and a botched effort to rescue American hostages in Iran.

    The poll result also makes him worse in voters’ minds than Richard Nixon, who forced to resign rather than face impeachment over the devastating Watergate scandal.

    Yet when 1006 registered voters were asked to rank the last nine presidents in order, from best to worst, Biden came at the very bottom of the table, making him the worst in 47 years.

    Our poll found that more than half of American voters believed he was wrong to pardon his son. And it sent Biden’s historically low approval rating dropping another four points, to 37 percent.

    'Voters have obviously looked at his age, general conduct in office, his botched withdrawal from Afghanistan, the situation at the southern border, and decided that, in their view, it qualifies him to be the worst president in modern history.

    Ronald Reagan, remembered as the leader who won the Cold War and whose economic policies reduced inflation and created jobs, comes out top, followed by Barack Obama, the nation’s first African-American president.

    Bill Clinton comes third, suggesting that Biden cannot blame his lowly position on anti-Democrat bias.

    Nixon, who left office under the cloud of Watergate, is second to bottom. Yet ‘Tricky Dicky’ , who stepped down after it became known that he was involved in covering up a break-in by members of a group linked to his re-election campaign, as they sought to bug the offices of opponents, is still more popular than Biden.