its capitalist restoration, liberal parts of the CPC are becoming actively opportunist like in the USSR. The party is ineffective at crushing them because they’re trying to do a ‘both sides’ to appease them but it just plays into their hands.
They’ll do poverty alleviation but then do nothing above that, they told the property developers to get over it because they’re going to revive that economy eventually, and have made immense efforts to save that part of the economy.
from my understanding late 90s/2000s were much worse until president xi came into power, i dont think we could say for sure yet. it is concerning though
its capitalist restoration, liberal parts of the CPC are becoming actively opportunist like in the USSR. The party is ineffective at crushing them because they’re trying to do a ‘both sides’ to appease them but it just plays into their hands.
They’ll do poverty alleviation but then do nothing above that, they told the property developers to get over it because they’re going to revive that economy eventually, and have made immense efforts to save that part of the economy.
from my understanding late 90s/2000s were much worse until president xi came into power, i dont think we could say for sure yet. it is concerning though
it was, he’s stemmed the tide, but that doesn’t stop capitalists from wanting to overthrow them.