Gonna be a long week without horse time.
Looking forward to going out next Friday more than usual because I get to take my sister with me. My parents want to go on a date and they asked that I keep my sister occupied that night. I asked if she wanted to go see the horses and she got so excited lol.
Horses are just cats for rich people.
You can be poor and interact with them if you find a stables that accepts volunteers. I do almost everything I want with horses in exchange for barn chores lol.
lol, the legs look so weird in this
They really do lmao.
Beautiful <3
Ikr? She’s gorgeous and knows it lol. This pic also shows just how accurate her name is. Dustiest horse in the barn. Some days when I brush her, she ends up dirtier than when I started.
This is such GARBAGE!
You expect me to wait a WEEK for a new picture of Sandy.
Unacceptable. Smh.
I’m sorry :(
I wish I didn’t have to go on call, especially because I rarely get any calls while on call. I just sit around and wait for someone’s server or some shit to break.