as soon as they stopped being marginalized, my trade unions formed the first fascist party. there’s already a social democratic party led by the rural folk (that used to include the petite bourgeoisie) and a communist party led by the armed forces.

its especially weird considering the ideologies my the trade unions IG are proletarian, egalitarian, populist, anti-slavery, and socialist. how do they go fascist w that set of ideologies?!

oh well, they have half the clout of the communist party, and a quarter of the clout of the socdem party

  • VapeNoir [he/him]
    1 year ago

    Probably because they have a nationalist (or auth ideolpgy, i havent played in a bit) leader. I’ve had parties adopt completely contradictory programs because of the tendencies of the figure leading them. It’s super rng

    • this is what it was. the leader had the “ethno-nationalist” ideology. i ended up getting council republic in 1934, narrowly avoiding civil war. playing China can be such a mess but i avoided both boxer rebellion and heavenly kingdom in this run!