Lugansk: 100%
Kherson: 94.3%
Zaporozhye: 72.49%
Donetsk: 60.29%
Kharkiv: 33.15%
Nikolaevskaya: 4.83%


      2 years ago

      No idea, i was wrong about the war starting in the first place. I guess by now it is foremost political, than economical and only on the last place a military conflict. USA and their vassal EU declared a total economical warfare against Russia - they pulled out from nothing. But they made a mistake with military part, as it is the strongest side of modern Russia - and after some pondering i think that’s exactly why that war started - because Russians calculated this is how they have most chance. Of course it was incredibly risky, if less countries ignored the US sanctions, Russia would be fucked quickly. But the risk was apparently well calculated and it is currently paying off - USA and EU are steadily bleeding their economy and their military resources in this war way faster than Russia (without even directly participating!), and this in one of the major reasons why Russia is going so slow - they don’t really have any other means to weaken the west. And their target is actually the same as USA - it was never war for Ukraine, nobody give a shit about that, it was a war for Europe, either Europe remain as US vassals and spiral down to being huge Puerto Rico, or they break off and finally start to do what EU was theoretically created for, or the EU shatters.

      So i would carefullty say that this war will probably last till either EU breaks or Ukraine surrenders.

        2 years ago

        The ruble is stronger than it’s been in a decade so they might have calculated the risk. At the very least I can believe they expected this to happen.

        (this graph doesn’t show the 2000s where the ruble was steadily stronger. This graph compares roubles to the Euro)