For me its when my family flew in for my graduation and they also decided to meet my sister’s in-laws. After graduation we were supposed to go to a restaurant. The ceremony was supposed to last two hours but stretched to four and we were about to miss our reservation. My sister pressured me to leave even tho I didnt have a chance to take pictures with friends and such. I have mostly moved on but honestly a part of me still hates her for it.

  • invalidusernamelol [he/him]
    11 months ago

    When the state kicked me and my family out of our home after my father shot himself because he couldn’t afford the mortgage, then the rest of the family called me and my brother fuckups for years while we struggled to survive at the ages of 17 and 19 with no help from any of them because of bootstraps.

    Then we both ended up doing alright for ourselves and getting into good careers (still barely affording rent, but not utterly destitute in a slum). He died of an OD after a relapse a few months back and the family that shunned us acted like he was just hiding being a fuckup this whole time and never deserved their respect.

    Still a bit bitter about that.