Turns out I’ve got major gender problems and wish I had been born a girl. [Removed as it was pointed out how problematic and doomer my sentiment was] I’m well past puberty and am very masculine-looking. The dysphoria’s gotten worse over the years though, or maybe the gender affirming feelings have gotten more tempting as I’ve stopped being in denial so much and have explored a bit of transitional stuff — shaving, doing my hair different, less masculine clothing. But I just don’t know what to do next.

I’m terrified by the idea of trying to hormonally transition, mostly because I have a very high sex drive and am very attached to it. Dysphoria about the shape of my genitals aside, I do want my dick to keep getting hard, I want to still be able to orgasm from using it, and I want to still produce cum for my partner to enjoy. From what I’ve read hormonal transitioning would eventually disable all of those, and I feel for me that would be even worse than not transitioning.

I’m also pretty strong and muscular, and I don’t want to lose that muscle and put on a bunch of fat from going on estrogen, which I’ve seen happen to couple friends who’ve transitioned.

So, hormonal transitioning looks too risky for me. Still, I thought maybe I could still achieve a good degree of comfort with non hormonal transitioning, maybe getting rid of all the body hair for a start. But when it comes to non hormonal transitional steps it all feels so incredibly daunting. I’ve been “blessed” with prodigious masculinity, the ability to grow hair all over my body like a beast. Shaving is a pain and I grow hair so fast that my face turns into stubble in less than a day after shaving.

Nonhormonal transitional steps I’ve considered: Shaving all over. Problem: I’ve only shaved a bit of my body and it gets really old and time-consuming really fast.

Laser hair removal. Problem: Supposed to be very expensive, and it works better on people with white skin and light, fair hair, neither of which have I (EDIT: CORRECTION: works better with dark hair so at least I have that going for me). In particular the at-home DIY machines do not work as well in those use cases, and without training there’s more risk of damaging your own skin trying to do it.

Electrolysis hair removal: I had a bit done in the past on my face. It was not super effective, takes a lot of sessions, and was very painful even with a local anesthetic cream. On top of that, while I might be able to have it done on much of my body it is impossible to have done on my face because of Covid — I’d have to take off my respirator and that’s not happening unless I could find a practitioner wearing an N95 in an isolated room with heavy air filtration.

More drastic nonhormonal steps — facial feminization surgery, breast implants — are even more inaccessible because at this point very few healthcare practitioners give a shit about Covid so it’s nigh impossible to see a surgeon or even get to a gender care clinic. Regardless, the uncontrollable hair is a big barrier — I wouldn’t want to consider other options before getting it dealt with in the first place.

Everything seems so painful, risky, and dauntingly expensive to the point where idk how I could afford it anyway.

Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you, comrades.

  • Des [she/her, they/them]@hexbear.netM
    4 months ago

    i could have written this myself. im basically at your phase right now.

    (CW some dysphoria/self doubt thoughts/health anxiety ahead)

    i’m solidly middle aged now and the thought of having to work out nonstop to maintain my mombod makes me exhausted just thinking about it

    that and i am agonizing over (what i perceive as) going from being a supposedly attractive middle aged guy to a (what my fears think will be) a fucked up looking butch monster woman. i used to have a really feminine face but age has masculinized it. i don’t think HRT will turn back the clock

    and my muscle mass and activity level is keeping me somewhat trim and i’m so afraid HRT will slow me down and make me gain shit loads of weight.

    that and everything is in crazy equilibriam. i’m privileged to be bafflingly healthy despite my attempts to circumvent it when younger. i’m so afraid changing my hormones will upset some balance and give me super cancer or destroy my immune system. everything seems so fine tuned and i’m terrified of going the doctor route and getting a shitty doctor or being put on a list

    everything else you wrote i have felt, am feeling, and also mulling over constantly


    only difference is i long ago abandoned orgasms that require being erect. if you want to explore your options there, get a cheap magic wand or knock-off and see if that works for you. it can give some real gender euphoria once you realize you can get off in an amazing way without an erection.

    my partner is AFAB but was never really into penetration until more recently. if you enjoy that you can always try a good strap-on.
    experienced transfemmes on HRT will probalbly tell you your sex drive changes more then simply “decreases”. it’s a metamorphosis and there’s always viagra!