A cosplay costume for my dog.
A trilobite fossil for my partner
I offered my parents a city trip in Spain with the 3 of us. They don’t travel that much on their own, and they enjoyed it so it was nice
I shipped some homemade hot sauce to a friend. I moved away years ago and swapping homemade goodies like this once or twice a year has been how we have stayed in touch.
i wonder if lots of lemmy persons would enjoy such exchanges, and could be bothered to return the favor. should it be one time, or ongoing? rotating or stable connections? how would it be organized without risking identifying ourselves or our addresses? should ship to a nearby hotel under an alias?
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I knitted a baby blanket for a pregnant friend. Sent it to her a few weeks ago!
I found a really beautiful puzzle when I was on vacation and sent it to my adult kid who likes puzzles.
I got my wife a fancy puzzle for her birthday- took up the dining table for 2 weeks, well worth it!
an ember battery powered heated mug. was a big hit.
A hedge trimmer for my mom.
Gift-wrapped with a card and all, decades ago to my former significant other. That it was so long ago, and that I don’t remember what the present was would seem to speak volumes against the significance. Damn my cold heart!
Last time I felt like giving somebody a gift was three years ago. Burned a DVD of Spicediver’s fan edit of Dune (1984) and sent it to an old friend in a case with a printed color slipcover. With the first part of Villeneuve’s adaptation set to debut I wanted my friend to see this great version of a flawed film we enjoyed together in our youth.
Few months ago I gave a few Famicom game cartridges to a former co-worker because his wife collects Hello Kitty stuff. Not really being generous; was happy to get rid of them as those characters kind of give me the creeps.
Cirque de Soleil tickets to a friend of ours, and one to my wife so they can go together, on the last day of the show in January when we normally take vacation, and now they can plan a trip.
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Lotta chocolate, to a friend
A Buff Kirby poster to a friend
My brother has 4 kids. I gave him a huge bag of Zotz candy and a big bag of garden-fresh tomatoes. I like giving food and he likes random gifts lol.