it’s not fucking concern trolling for marginalized people to bring up their experiences or their concerns over how certain rhetoric may negatively impact them, you worthless chauvinist asshole
99% of disabled people can absolutely contribute to the communist cause and absolutely should do so. To pretend like they are a house-bound monolith is paternalistic and patronizing, it is not doing them any favors.
the post was clearly targeted at those who adopt the aesthetic of being radical but who don’t do anything radical in their actual life. derailing that simple and obviously correct point to say that you’re concerned about a tiny, bespoke minority that the post was not about is concern trolling.
this will be the last time I comment on this. It’s been like three days, get over yourself.
it’s not fucking concern trolling for marginalized people to bring up their experiences or their concerns over how certain rhetoric may negatively impact them, you worthless chauvinist asshole
guzzle human shit until you die, loser
99% of disabled people can absolutely contribute to the communist cause and absolutely should do so. To pretend like they are a house-bound monolith is paternalistic and patronizing, it is not doing them any favors.
the post was clearly targeted at those who adopt the aesthetic of being radical but who don’t do anything radical in their actual life. derailing that simple and obviously correct point to say that you’re concerned about a tiny, bespoke minority that the post was not about is concern trolling.
this will be the last time I comment on this. It’s been like three days, get over yourself.