Remember the conspiracy theorists who though “the government” was using Covid-19 to cull the population? I wonder what they’re up to right now.
Probably ranting about how the shadow government is out to get Trump and Elon after they started saving America
And polio too, right.
Measles also resets your immune system for every other thing your body already learned to deal with. No, it would not be fucking better.
Uhhhhhh doesn’t measles reset your immune system or something like that?
“The measles gave you lifetime protection against measles infection,” Robert F. Kennedy Jr. told Sean Hannity on Fox News.
Wouldn’t it be great if there was something else that gave you protection against measles infection, without you actually having to have measles? If only …
The measles vaccine is literally a weakened version of the measles virus. It’s just an attenuated measles infection that allows your body to build antibodies against it without a full on infection.
This guy should have stayed off the raw meat.
As I said in a different thread recently, the only issue is that the name “vaccine” has been tainted in the minds of idiots. Rebrand it as “natural immune system therapy” or something, and market it as something the establishment is firmly against, and they’d be lining up to get it.
None of these people understand what vaccines actually do.
The sacrifice: Republican voters are declining
Democratic voters remain unchanged
Red State goes to Purple State
That was the theory behind COVID as well, and while it did happen at a 2:1 ratio, it wasn’t enough to impact the election in any way.
Edit: I’ll mention it needs to happen in a statistically significant margin, within the swing states exclusively. Diseases and viruses unfortunately don’t operate off electoral maps…If it was just a general vote, it wouldn’t be an issue.
17,000 people died from COVID in 2020, and Biden won the state by about 12,000 votes.
You first fuckface
My father had measles when he was a little boy, sometime in the 1940s. It nearly killed him. Measles is no joke. Anyone trying to spread it around on purpose should get a bullet in the brain before they have a chance to harm others.
As a bonus for contracting measles, you’ll get all your previous vaccines and earned immunities deleted by the measles virus attacking your immune cells dedicated to remembering how to effectively fight past pathogens.
So you can think of measles as THE antivaccine. No wonder the antivaxxers love it so much!
If only there was some way we could train our immune systems to fight off Measles without having to actually infect ourselves with it. That way an immediate immune response could keep the disease from ever taking root to begin with! I blame those fucking scientists for not thinking of this already, they’re probably too busy making fake climate change scare articles. /s
What if we only get, like, a little bit of measles? Like if I touch someone with measles very quickly. Just enough to get a small non-dangerous amount that is hardly noticeable by me but enough for my immune system to learn to fight it? Is there a possibility that that would work?
What if we just, like, gave you a little part of the measles? Like whatever’s on the outside of the virus, so your immune system can just know to attack that?
I think those were the first “vaccines”. Cut open a forearm and put some measle scabs from someone else in there. I could be completely wrong here though.
It was using secretions from cowpox lesions as protection from smallpox. Cowpox is a similar, but much less dangerous pathogen, so it conferred some cross-immunity without risking actual smallpox infection.
Yes, the old strategy of overwhelming the hospital system with mouth breathers.
Amazing strategy, Raisinhead.
I consider him more of an apple head.
Pretty sure I stole this one from here on Lemmy.
You mean Luke McGarry?
Hospitals should be able to refuse patients who get diseases that are preventable with vaccines. Problem solved.
Hospitals should be able to refuse RFK Jr and his immediate family.
Can’t argue with that.
No. For multiple reasons:
- Vaccines are not 100% effective. They reduce the likelihood of infection if you are exposed. The whole point of trying to get everyone vaccinated is to reduce the infection rate so that there’s less likely to be an outbreak. With a vaccinated population, the virus can’t spread fast enough to maintain a pool of infected people to keep spreading it. But that doesn’t mean nobody gets sick.
- Vaccines are not as effective on some people. There’s a range of effectiveness.
- Not everyone can get vaccinated. People with certain allergies or compromised immune systems in particular.
- Some parts of the population have higher risk factors than others and when they get sick it can be much more serious. Usually the very old and the very young. And again, people with compromised immune systems, or other conditions that complicate the illness.
- Kids whose parents refuse to get them vaccinated are put at elevated risk through no fault of their own.
I could probably keep going, but hopefully you get the idea why that’s just not a viable approach.
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That’s unfortunately an extremely slippery slope.
If vaccines (or lack thereof) are enough to refuse “service”, why treat lung cancer in smokers? What about type 2 diabetes?
Sure, those too. They can sue big tobacco and big sugar for the money to pay for those treatments.
According to this study, smoking costs our economy ~0.88% of our GDP. That works out to in the ballpark of $600 per capita. Would you change your opinion if you had $600 sitting in front of you? I disagree that it’s a slippery slope, anti-vax, smokers, and overeaters cost a lot of money, and the rest of us foot the bill.
You might as well argue that healthy people are a drag since care in old age is so expensive.
See, I’m German. We have a solidarity based health insurance (mostly). I’m a young, reasonably healthy guy with a reasonably high income. All in all I pay 840€ every month (that’s the maximum amount), even though I cost next to nothing. And I’m okay with that.
Yes, smoking is bad and I don’t like smokers. But denying them healthcare is deeply deeply inhumane. And in Germany even unconstitutional.
One of my children is not vaccinated against measles. In addition, although she is vaccinated against whooping cough, she in fact has had whooping cough. I talk about it a lot. You see my child has a compromised immune system and the measles vaccine is a live vaccine so giving her that vaccine could in fact kill her. And the dead vaccines are not terribly effective for her. The end result is I am very pro-vaccine because I rely on other people’s vaccines to keep my child safe. But when a policy is put in place to deny those who are not vaccinated, it affects children like mine who simply can’t be vaccinated. You can say well, those with medical exemptions can still get treatment. Except as soon as there’s a medical exemption, all the anti-vaccine people jump in and claim a medical exemption, and then no one believes medical exemptions and children like mine are at risk. Even worse, some doctors may refuse to give medical exemptions thinking that everybody is lying in order to get an exemption.
Children do not choose whether or not to be vaccinated. So are you not going to treat an innocent 2-year-old because their parents are idiots? Do we put toddlers to death for the sins of their parents?
What about a family who can’t vaccinate their 2-year-old because the grandmother lives with them and is immunocompromised once again measles is a live vaccine and you are not supposed to have it if anyone in the house is immunocompromised. So the child certainly can receive the vaccine and would not qualify for an exemption but it would endanger another person in the family.
The question is where do we draw the line? Who do we let die for poor choices? Just those who make the choices? Or their family members? What do we consider a poor choice? Is not vaccinating your child if it could kill your parent a poor choice? It’s a hard choice, but is it a poor choice? I’d rather not play God and have absolutes.
I would love to see vaccine mandates put in place with all children required to get a vaccine unless a doctor says otherwise and leave that on the doctor’s shoulders to make medical decisions. What I would not like to see is life and death decisions made based on our judgment call of whether someone is smart, or has made smart choices.
And what about my wife? She’s allergic to the measles vaccination.
Prove it
That seems different than a refusal, no? That seems more like a medical incompatibility.
People use bullshit excuses all the time to avoid getting their kids vaccinated, including “allergies”.
“Allergies” are medically provable. Bullshit reasons are stuff like “sky daddy told me I don’t hafta” and “the govmint can’t 5g me”
That is certainly one extreme.
That’s a contrarian question, of course there would be loopholes for that.
I assume it would be documented and considered an exception
She lost the documentation years ago. We’re almost 40.
You can either get the documentation reprinted, or get tested, no?
Yes, but it’s just another thing on the pile of shit we’re dealing with right now. The fact that she is a woman already doesn’t bode well. We’re just glad that we’re both sterilized, all things considered…
Then she is also allergic to measles, because all it is is weakened measles itself.
Yes, it’s a shit situation.
They perhaps don’t need to. The staff in hospitals only got a few token coins as reward for the previous pandemic, and didn’t get much raise or better working conditions since then. People are already walking away because overworked and underpaid. It’s likely a lot of them just quit when a new pandemic would start and the hospitals can barely function.
Nurses at the hospital my spouse works for get like 160k for a regular floor nurse working a day time shift. So, I dunno about them being paid “tokens” whomever told you that probably isn’t a nurse. Of course, the rate varies by city. Do they still have nurses in red states?
Hey now, my nose is always stuffy. That has nothing to do with my great stupidity.
It can be better if only Republicans got measles. They’re the ones that like them right? Why don’t they all get them?
Fuck this assclown, my wife is allergic to the measles vaccination and will likely die if she gets the disease.
Sounds like he is volunteering to get injected with some measles first. Also, I’m sorry for that and hope she’s able to stay away from it.
Oh, he is absolutely vaccinated.
The vaccine isn’t 100% effective. If we inject him enough times, he’ll get measles eventually.
Yeah, I meant to inject him with all the measles. A good leader would never ask people to take on things he’s not willing to do himself, right?
There has to be some critical mass where there’s just so much virus the immune system can’t keep up.
Absolutely. Hypocrites and cowards, the lot of them.
I cannot believe the absolute fucking retards who got into power. What the fuck timeline is this? And don’t say Idiocracy - at least they had the sense to bring in the smartest person in the world of their time.
The worst part… they think that’s what they did with Elon… they are just so dumb that he seems smart to them. More of a problem with idiocracy, dumb people can’t actually identify smart people. They call it luck…
Yeah, I rewatched that documentary recently and was really disappointed in some of their analysis.
The only way to stop a bad guy with measles is a good guy with measles, I guess.
Conspiracy theorists for the last few decades: “The government is trying to murder us!”
The actual government in 2025: “Yes, we would like it if a grand majority of you were to die”
Conspiracy theorists: crickets
Conspiracy theorists: crickets
Agreed, FACTUAL EVIDENCE of a conspiracy theory is collected by reputable Johns Hopkins University and George Washington University and crickets. People flock to conspiracies with no evidence, but once one appears with authentic validation… nothing.
Troll accounts that had attempted to influence the US election had also been tweeting about vaccines, a study says. Many posted both pro- and anti-vaccination messages to create “false equivalency”, the study found. It examined thousands of tweets sent between 2014 and 2017. Vaccination was being used by trolls and sophisticated bots as a “wedge issue”, said Mark Dredze from Johns Hopkins University. “A significant portion of the online discourse about vaccines may be generated by malicious actors with a range of hidden agendas,” said David Broniatowski from George Washington University. The researchers reviewed more than 250 tweets about vaccination from accounts linked to the St Petersburg-based Internet Research Agency (IRA). In February the agency was named in a US indictment over alleged election meddling.
It’s because people love feeling like they’re privvy to a secret. The second it’s validated and becomes public knowledge, it’s no longer “privileged” knowledge and no longer makes them feel special for “knowing” a “secret truth”
The second it’s validated and becomes public knowledge, it’s no longer “privileged” knowledge and no longer makes them feel special for “knowing” a “secret truth”
Ahh, the (2 thousand year old) Bible verse Romans 11:33 theory of James Joyce’s work ;)
Yes, covid was very potent tool enrolling those people to disinformation channels and groups.
Cause now it’s no longer a conspiracy, they’re just coming right out and saying a bunch of people dying is fine.