a couple of our regulars have expressed interest in having an anti-cryptocurrency sub here. so interest check: reply to this thread if you want us to have buttcoin

edit: also, meme stock bullshit is on topic for our buttcoin (unless the threads get overwhelming, then we’ll split off another sub)

  • 200fifty@awful.systems
    10 months ago

    I was never a user of buttcoin on Reddit, but I do greatly enjoy hearing about stupid cryptocurrency things, so putting in a vote in favor of this idea

    • David Gerard@awful.systems
      10 months ago

      i am no longer posting on reddit, and it feels good to be free. but whenever we put something up we’ll put it in this new sub.

  • Soyweiser@awful.systems
    10 months ago

    I’d say yes. And name it buttcoin of course.

    Upcoming TL:DR; long dumb post about personal internet drama, which I at least hope is amusing to others. It was to me.

    Perhaps related to this I have a request/question and story which might involve buttcoin or it might not, it does at least involve a 'I get very mad if you call me a white nationalist, but moderate in favor of people spreading white nationalist/anti lgbt/anti minority hate, and your favorite human flesh flavored beverage (That would be me, the Soyweiser), anyway here is the thing. Could somebody post in the r/buttcoin reddit sub for me and check if a day later or so if you get banned from r/EnterTheGungeon/. Why you ask? Well 2 days ago I posted a question on r/buttcoin, and a day later I was banned from enterthegungeon (and exitthegungeon, roguelites, and a few more I think), I noticed all these subs share the same mod ‘MalcolmRoseGaming’ aka ‘RoseCrypto’. So you would think case closed, the guy banned you because he is a cryptocurrency nerd that is it. But no the story does not end here, this MalcolmRoseGaming person is also somebody who did a sort of hostile takeover (*) on a cataclysmdda discord server 3 or 4 years ago. That is where I know the person from. After he became one of the mods, kicked out all the anti hate/lgbt mods and people the place turned into a big shithole (yesterday I checked and saw neonazi metal, anti trans stuff antisemitism, anti black, etc etc stuff, so clearly the guy and the place sucks. I also saw the guy being all mad about some weird story about how one of the development people from CDDA (not me btw!) was making all kinds of alts to go after him or something weird. (A thing I doubt, seems more like a weird persecution complex, second detail, my account and interactions with CDDA predate the developer he is accusing of botting so if he thought I was an alt that would make it even dumber). So the other explanation for me being banned is that this guy (who is not a white nationalist!) has held a grudge for 3+ years against me, noticed my name somewhere on reddit and banned me from all the communities he mods. Which would be extremely funny and petty. So here is the thing, post in buttcoin, and if a day later you get banned from enterthegungeon+ I know it wasn’t and old grudge and the guy just has a script (**) autobanning buttcoiners. So if one of you can test this for me I know more (and I can then either accuse him without doubt of being a petty git, or accuse him of being a weird butter who is so obsessed with r/buttcoin bs that he prebans people. In both cases we win!)

    Hope yall found this little bit of forum drama/story amusing at least. While I’m a bit curious on why he did it, I was also very amused to see the guys name again as I had not really thought about him, since after the whole CDDA discord takeover took place. (Fun detail, I wasn’t even active at the discord at the time and only heard about the takeover after I got an invite to the new one, so I was not even one of the people banned during the takeover, that is how I know so much about how the server still runs, I still have an account!(****))

    *: yes all that talk of the wokes taking over communities is a bit of projection, as CDDA is very progressive in its community (and the game also tries to be).

    **: Ironically as he is a ‘im very pro free speech! I allow everything!’ guy (***)

    ***: except for things he has decided are defamatory, because lol of course he is one of those guys.

    Description of pedophilia.

    ****: this is also how I saw them accuse the CDDA devs of being pedophiles because some 4channer made the most obvious joke which they took seriously (the game has both child zombies, and a huge list of items including condoms so the 4channer pretended he found a child zombie filled with filled condoms (not a thing)). Oddly the malcomrose person also gets very very mad when somebody accuses him or his collection of edgelords and crypto neo-nazis etc of being pedophiles.

    ‘this line was intentionally kept blank’

    Postscript: apart from this test, no need to help me get my access to those subs back, I really don’t care (apart from roguelites, but I can live with that, so I only care the tiniest bit) about access to those subs, and the only action I have taken re this is message the one mod on enterthegungeon who didn’t seem a malcom alt with a ‘hey just fyi, I think your fellow mod might be abusing power a bit so be aware, don’t bother restoring my access, or even send a reply just thought you should know’ message (Just adding this for full disclosure). Only thing I expect people to do is to not allow a person called malcomrosegaming or anybody friends with them mod in any communities any of you mods, but no chance of that. If you got this far hope you at least got a chuckle at the absolute dumbness of everything (including me typing all this up, sorry my editor will no longer answer my calls).

    • self@awful.systemsOPM
      10 months ago

      that fucking sucks, I really like roguelites as a genre

      but I also really hate existing on reddit, so I might give this a try later since I don’t care what happens to my account

      also, you’ve made me want to try CDDA

      • Soyweiser@awful.systems
        10 months ago

        Well it doesn’t matter that much as I’m not banned from r/roguelikes and there is no chance he can take over that community (esp as it already exists, which seems to be the main way he ‘takes over’ reddit communties, make new ones and pretend that is the real place to be, for example see the creative use of the word official on this ‘Official (*) CDDA!’ community (170 users 3 active (even r/sneerclub hits around 10 active)) splitting off from the legacy reddit page (39k users 100+ active users), in various places there. It is amusing just how little draw the person has when he does something himself.

        * ‘largest fan group’

        And CDDA is fun if you like those kinds of simulationist roguelikes, at least it was the last time I played it has been a while. If you play it and get killed by a shoggoth you have been murdered by a monster I added. (I don’t think they really kill people, as their combat abilities are not that great, they are tough as shit however), the other stuff I added has mostly been changed (for the better btw, I had a different vision for the broken cyborg but what they did with it is super) ow was reasonably minor stuff. CDDA still has the best lighting system of any game (this is both a joke and not a joke, it will become clear if you ever look into or out from light/dark areas in the game).

        Don’t worry about my reddit account, I also don’t really use reddit anymore and if it seems like im obsessing over this today and posting about it here now it is only because I was away from my pc for a few days and only log in here on my pc. So I wanted to share the story yday but was not able. It all just is amazingly silly, and also a good example on why you should not allow people to be edgy and racist just as jokes (that is how he got a foothold in the cdda discord, one of the mods who made him a mod (or so I understood the situation) was one of those edgelords and so is he).

        • self@awful.systemsOPM
          10 months ago

          And CDDA is fun if you like those kinds of simulationist roguelikes, at least it was the last time I played it has been a while. If you play it and get killed by a shoggoth you have been murdered by a monster I added.

          oh fuck yes. since this is a roguelike I’m assuming I’ll need a keyboard? cause otherwise I’d already be installing it on my steam deck

          a good example on why you should not allow people to be edgy and racist just as jokes (that is how he got a foothold in the cdda discord, one of the mods who made him a mod (or so I understood the situation) was one of those edgelords and so is he)

          fucking exactly. a couple of the open source retrogaming hardware communities I’ve joined recently (because they habitually don’t update their fucking docs, most likely so you have to beg answers out of the assholes on their toxic discord) have that exact problem. I’ve seen so many communities get destroyed or made utterly inhospitable by “you can’t restrict my free speech to say these things, can’t you take a joke” bullshit. I might have a MoreWrite draft in me analyzing some of these communities since I’ve been interacting altogether far too much with them, but I need to come up with a conclusion that isn’t just “don’t these fuckers suck and isn’t it a shame that they’re gatekeeping a fun hobby?”

          • Soyweiser@awful.systems
            10 months ago

            I ahve not kept up with nonkeyboard ways of playing, but I know people play it on their phones. I also have not kept up with development lately (sadly you can look at my updates history on the wiki for the last time I really played, at that time I also got mentally overwhelmed by all the changes I wanted to make to the wiki and things I had to check and the relentless advance of development that I basically stopped working on it (I wonder if I could have started a patreon to ask people to pay me to update it but otoh I was not sure if I would get anything for that, then it would feel like work and it also seemed like a really weird thing to do, even if it would have fixed some of my financial issues (and I also didn’t think people used it that much)) so that period is the last period I have solidly played, and so much has changed since then. So you could try the free version first if you can get that onto your steam deck, or ask on the subreddit/discourse/discord how well it works for a steamdeck.

    • Amoeba_Girl@awful.systems
      10 months ago

      Ohhhh this guy, I found out about him looking up dungeon crawl stone soup runs on youtube and the way he whined about the changes devs made to the game (which incidentally are excellent and bold) made it very clear how much of a nazi he is. Very sad to see such a pathetic loser wielding so much influence.

      • Soyweiser@awful.systems
        10 months ago

        I had no idea he also yt’ed. And I honestly have not seen him post anything really nazi btw, just close enough to it for the benefit of the doubt and the whole creating a safe space for far right people. (How very slatestar of him (ow look more relevance of my story to this community) ;) ).

        • Amoeba_Girl@awful.systems
          10 months ago

          lmao i thought i’d look at his twitter see how he’s behaving and the first thing on there is a stonetoss retweet

          • Soyweiser@awful.systems
            10 months ago

            I had no idea he had one, or if I knew, I ahve long forgotten it. A st retweet makes it pretty hard to claim you are not a far right pos. lol.

  • mountainriver@awful.systems
    10 months ago

    I am mostly here for the stupidity.

    Crypto is entertainingly stupid, in particular now that it’s crashing and burning, so why not.

    (Assistant stage whispers: It’s a vote, just say Aye)

    I mean Aye!

    • self@awful.systemsOPM
      10 months ago

      oh definitely! crossposts from other anti-crypto and anti-meme stock subs on lemmy and kbin (when our kbin integration wants to work) are fair game too