The hullabaloo among the liberal cohort over Carlson’s interview with Putin unveils that those who label communists as tankies and authoritarians are well-aware of the necessity to suppress divergent viewpoints.

It emerges that freedom of expression is limited to ideas that align with the liberal narrative; when faced with opinions they deem detrimental, liberals demand cancellation, imprisonment, or even death for the proponents.

The real disagreement liberals have with communists is over what set of ideas has merit. When liberals screech about authoritarianism what they’re really saying is that it’s their ideology that’s being suppressed.

    8 months ago

    Isn’t Carlson a fascist? Dude has been using his platform to lie and spread hatred for years and now everyone is hailing him as a hero for doing an interview that didn’t really reveal anything new if you already didn’t believe Western media’s lies?

    Like yeah libs are hypocrites and that’s obvious, but this framing of this interview like it’s some groundbreaking thing is confusing me.

      8 months ago

      I don’t like Carlson at all, he is no better than any other liberal when it comes to the rampant sinophobia, he just happens to be more reasonable on one specific issue. On the other hand he didn’t really say a whole lot, and brought a large audience in to see it. His presence was basically a nonfactor, outside the spy advocacy there at the end.

      I don’t think the interview was groundbreaking for anyone with a rudimentary undertanding of russian history and geopolitics, but that is probably a very small percentage of the USian audience. So in that sense, it was valuable. Though I wonder how many people actually listened and how many people just go “No, Putin must actually want more land”. Most of us here probably didn’t hear anything that was particularly new whatsoever.

      8 months ago

      I think it’s a “big deal” due to this interview being available for western English speaking audiences without a paywall or any kind of barrier. It’s by a “famous guy” and is made accessible. When interviews with Putin are covered by western news sources its only in bits and pieces, sure you can probably find the full talk online but most people aren’t going to look for it or when they do they might not stick around due to the language barrier (even with translators). You probably already know this so I apologize for repeating information. I do agree with you though, I feel conflicted about this whole thing. I’m glad it happened in terms of getting more people to watch, but the fact that it was Tucker Carlson really sucks… He came to Canada recently to spread his bullshit so I can’t say I’m super thrilled with his involvement. I really do wish it was someone else…

      Edit: Yeah, the YouTube comments of the interview have an uncomfortable air (some are just explicitly bad), Carlson’s audience will follow him wherever he goes so seeing hero worship is inevitable…

    • SadArtemis🏳️‍⚧️
      8 months ago

      The interview was rather tame- and yes, Tucker is a fascist (though still props to him for stepping up to the chopping block all the same, I can respect that).

      I suspect the real groundbreaking things to come will be Tucker’s metaphorical crucifixion to come, by the infinitely worse neocon fascists.

        8 months ago

        Fascism’s not that different from liberalism, so it doesn’t matter too much, but he does endorse “great replacement theory” among other fascist talking points.