“Huh, I wonder why everyone is so unhappy and unstable. Hey, why is everything run so inefficiently, doesn’t anyone know how to work together anymore? Why is everything falling apart? Oh well, just human nature I guess.”
They teach you that civilization is what protects us from living in a state of omni contra omni. Then they teach you that that was a mistake and infact omni contra omni is the correct way to live. Then when you do that omni contra omni they put you in jail unless you are working with a rich person.
almost makes you want to become a linkedin influencer with a huge following and start posting bad advice to sabotage everyone else. well, not enough to actually go on linkedin
To sabotage them they would be have to be able to learn. They would not be in that position of they were able to learn anything meaningful.
There was a LinkedIn influencer whose schtick was “How to get rich using life lessons I learned by living among the Amish”, so I think it’s safe to say it’s been done.
- get yourself a wife (or multiple)
- have a dozen of kids
- spent next to nothing on education, technology, services or any skill
- use them as free labour
- profit!
Realized that yesterday. If I am being rational under capitalism, then that means every last person is “my competition”. In CS, you still felt a slight aura of needing to beat the other guy because there are only a small amount of jobs to go around, and their downfall is only to your benefit because that means you’re the more desirable candidate to them.
I’m fortunate in the sense that I have a good job that’s trying to help people, albeit from within the neoliberal paradigm. I like my coworkers. It still feels like the anomie is a physical burden that I have to drag around on the daily.
As a person who has had many neoliberal paradigm helping jobs and currently has one: my brother in christ we are the anomie.
The way the helping from a neoliberal paradigm works is creating anomie by carving out and privatizing what should be public services.
Yeah, modernity is a complete fuck.
Wish I’d been paying more attention when I read The Revolution Will Not Be Funded but I was still in my “we can achieve positive change from the inside” days.
I am in software so it’s the least bad option. Software options are like:
- Scams
- Waste
- Terror
- Neoliberal Helping
I’m an academic coder so I think my eventual career trajectory is the number crunching mines.
Ever since I was a kid writing my first programs in BASIC on the Apple IIe I always dreamed of distilling business databases into actionable and concise insights.
Unironically that’s what got me into the situation I’m in currently, except the actionable insights are either impossible to deliver with the existing data or they are delivered to decisionmakers who then proceed to ignore them.
Yeah, as it turns out there are vanishingly few non-terrible software jobs. The best ones are like… b2b administrative software for more-benign industries, b2c apps that haven’t yet enshittified, or FOSS projects that have actual funding
we have met the anomie and they are us
“Let’s hyperindividualise everyone so we can sell them stuff and reduce their class solidarity, shoring up our power”
mfw I make there is no such thing as a society come true and it turns out I don’t like it
I’ve recently come to the conclusion that I live in a society that’s brainwashing has backfired.
Yeah, they defunded the schools so much they can’t even cram the kids heads with propaganda as easily as they could in the 50’s
It’s that “The game” shit SynAnon was on where you turn everyone against each other to deter organization and mass action. This has a fatal flaw in that no leader gets to decide exactly what intentionally corrosive policy corrodes, so this inhibition of solidarity will eventually do more than keep people from rising up - in time, it’ll undermine everything.
TINA manifest. It makes me so sad really