don’t fall for it, he might be a misogyne (doesnt listen to women)
Critical, uhhh, support for misogynistic dudes being misogynistic towards trans women.
well it technically means they recognize trans women as women.
yeah lets not give trans inclusive misogynists any credit
Awesome, now I can be subject to regular ol misogyny all day every day. Can’t wait for the men in the room to just casually talk over me like I’m not even there
Can’t wait for the men in the room to just casually talk over me like I’m not even there
Uhh, it’s called a filibuster, sweaty!
The stupid Robert Downey Jr picture works on me every single time I don’t know whyyyy. It tickles me so
It’s a real shitposting workhorse
thank u stuff ❤️
Eh. Chaser energy.
idk, i think having sex with someone stealth and then just being chill when they come out after isn’t really chaser shit
i mean, i get not wanting to applaud people too much for fucking trans women. that isn’t activism, no matter how fun it is. but as a funny edit of a transphobic comic i’m perfectly cool with it