Erika3sis [she/her, xe/xem]

An anarchist here to ask asinine questions about the USSR. At least I was when I got here. Alt accounts [email protected] [email protected]

she/xe/it/thon/seraph | NO/EN/RU/JP

  • 193 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 18th, 2023


  • I know that you’re referring to when he first took office, but Netanyahu is really about as old as “Israel” itself. He was in his mother’s belly when the “Ink Flag” was raised, when the Zionist Entity joined the United Nations, when the Zionist Entity commemorated the first anniversary of its declaration of “independence”, when the Green Line was set. Netanyahu was the Entity’s first PM to have been born after the Entity’s declaration of “independence”, and there have only been two others since then.

    So, you know, time is relative, basically.

  • If you were to force all the Deaf people of the world to use the same language, Deaf people would still communicate with their local communities far more often than communities in other countries, which means that neologisms and accents and so forth would gradually develop and accumulate, until there would eventually once again be hundreds of different regional sign languages — unless you were also continually suppressing Deaf people’s attempts to control their own languages, which is both a terrible thing to do and also not particularly sustainable in the long run.

    …So by imposing a “Universal Sign Language”, you would’ve really just eradicated an enormous source of understudied language diversity and global cultural heritage, in order to not-solve a non-issue. Deaf people already have ways to communicate across language boundaries that they’re perfectly satisfied with, including, among others, the international auxiliary pidgin language used in the above video.

  • LMAO ol’ Frightful was saying I had a “vendetta”? A “vendetta” of all things? Now as far as I can remember, the comment that got me banned from NoYank said something like, “Look at that, Lemmy’s number one ‘antiseptic’ is back in my feed posting some more quality Irish tunes. I thought you’d been banned permanently but apparently I’d misunderstood and that was only for a day. Despite yesterday’s ordeal I’m still glad to see you back, fighting the good fight.”

    Frankly, even as I was writing that comment, a voice was telling me that I was being too lenient about things that I would normally consider unforgivable, that this cautious optimism and willingness to forgive I had was undue for the gravity of what had occurred and the repeated nature of the offenses… But it would seem that acknowledging that wrongdoings had taken place at all, was to the hobgoblin not lenient enough, as if they’d rather be seen as infallible than forgiven. What a dishonest soul!

  • Erika3sis [she/her, xe/xem]
    20 hours ago

    I’m starting to regret ever having a positive impression of ol’ Frightful. Even after finding out about their bigotry, dogmatism, ignorance, liberalism, and general disagreeability, I still had a “kick the football” mentality about them, just because they’re outspoken about one issue that matters a lot to me.

    Alas, it would seem that being too forgiving is the deadliest yet also the commonest flaw a socialist can have…

  • Erika3sis [she/her, xe/xem]
    20 hours ago

    NoYank’s mod was banned from Hexbear yesterday, then unbanned today, and then I was myself banned from NoYank for pointing out that the mod had been unbanned from Hexbear, so that’s basically why I’m making this request now.

    The ideological basis of /c/antiseptic, by the way, at least if I’m the one to run this comm, would basically hold that (“)American(”) media and culture is not inherently bad, and non-(“)American(”) media and culture is not inherently good. Which is to say, it would follow my ideas of the “U-S-A (Usonian-Seppo-American) tripartite division”, “bourgeois vs proletarian anti-English”, “marked Americanness”, “settler hemorrhage”, and whatever other ideas I have floating around in my noggin to make sense of my peculiar existence as an American born and raised and still living in Europe. This, I think, is my “leg up” so to speak, compared to someone like Frightful Hobgoblin, who is just a regular-ass, relatively-privileged, titular-nationality European, whose understanding and critique of “America” can only go so deep.