Some light sneerclub content in these dark times.

Eliezer complements Musk on the creation of community notes. (A project which predates the takeover of twitter by a couple of years (see the join date: )).

In reaction Musk admits he never read HPMOR and he suggests a watered down Turing test involving HPMOR.

Eliezer invents HPMOR wireheads in reaction to this.

    1 year ago

    (After being presented incontrovertible proof he is wrong)

    Okay, I’m maybe wrong here, though I’m pretty sure I do not remember seeing anything like this feature before Elon bought Twitter.

    lol peak yud. “I may be wrong, but I’m pretty sure I’m right”

    11 months ago

    God I cannot believe that Harry Potter fanfiction is such a big part of Rationalism.

    I made the mistake of reading too many comments down in a Reddit thread and a ephebophilepedophile showed up. I looked at their profile and was just totally blindsided by Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality fanfiction and it apparently being their second favorite book ever. I think their first was Lolita but I don’t remember.

    I’ve heard that (maybe?) SBF had Harry Potter orgies, detailed on his girlfriend’s cryptofascist tradwife Tumblr blog. I know I shouldn’t but I kind of want to see if I can dig around the Internet Archive and find out how much of that really happened. Just making myself suffer for fun

    • Soyweiser@awful.systemsOP
      11 months ago

      In the period when I didn’t see the LW/SSC community as negatively as I do now I also noticed there were quite a few ephebophilespedophiles there, even had a long discussion with one who was being very cagey about it. It was weird. A well, as a cryptoneoreactionary said: ‘if you build a place free of witchhunts, don’t be surprised a lot of witches show up’. Liking Lolita (which isn’t a bad book per se, it is great in the ‘this is what lies pedos/bad people tell themselves/others to get away with it’ unreliable narrator sense) is certainly a red flag, esp when people are not aware of the parenthesis (I have reach peak reference game, I now reference my own sentence from inside the sentence).

      And I think a lot of fascination of the Harry Potter from inside the LW community is just age, for a lot of these people Harry Potter was an important series in their early teens, which is an important period in growing up for these kinds of things, it is also massively popular (I guess less so now due to Rowling deciding that transphobia is cheaper than going to therapy for her abusive ex). Of course this doesn’t explain HPMOR in the first place as Yud is old (or at least older than the people I’m talking about, who would now be in their 30s max while Yud is in his 40s, I myself am also one of the ‘grew up before HP olds btw, noticed that younger people I knew were very into HP (and some game where you capture wild animals and have them fight cagematches for you, weird shit forgot the name)’).

      And well I think SBF having orgies and being into polyam stuff is fine (and I wish those on everybody who wants them as long as everybody consents), I think the theft, fascism and all that is the problem. On that note, you clearly should only make yourself suffer more if you want to do that and enjoy it. But on some level I guess you do, as everybody here is a bit masochistic by staying here and reading this stuff. Her being all cryptofasc tradwife was weird, esp when Musk was going all in on ‘see the left is evil because SBF donated to the democrats’, but I guess if the rich technologists of the world would spend more time actually understanding how politics works they wouldn’t be rich.

      Edit: Apologies for the somewhat long and rambling reply, I think the coffee was too strong and im sliding back into stream of thought reddit posting habits.

    1 year ago


    All the more so if it can create a high-quality Harry Potter VR Universe that expands infinitely with NPCs powered by AI that is infinitely more interesting than the normal world is.

    This is the future LWers want.

    • Sailor Sega
      1 year ago

      I’m reminded of a My Little Pony singularity fan-fiction (Friendship is Optimal) that I read back when I had poor taste. An AI for a pony MMORPG goes rogue and converts everyone into digital ponies to maximize happiness but with a pony theme. The victims live out impossibly long, but ultimately superficial, lives doing pony stuff and goodness gracious why is there such a weird relationship between rationalists and fanfiction writers.

        1 year ago

        It’s the combination of big imaginations and little real-world experience. In Friendship is Optimal, the AGI goes from asking for more CPUs to asking for information on how to manufacture its own CPUs, somehow without involving the acquisition of silicon crystals or ASML hardware along the way. Rationalist writers imagine that AGI will somehow provide its own bounty of input resources, rather than participating in the existing resource economy.

        In reality, none of our robots have demonstrated the sheer instrumentality required to even approach this sort of doomsday scenario. I think rationalists have a bit of the capitalist blind spot here, imagining that everything and everybody (and everypony!) is a resource.

          1 year ago

          Pleasure Island, from Pinocchio. You gotta ask for the pony pass though, or else you’re just gonna get turned into a donkey. To reverse the transformation you gotta go to the island of Dr. Moreau.