been doing estradiol injections for 2.5 weeks now, and there are noticeable changes already! unfortunately theyre mostly annoying lol. my nipples are super sensitive and my shirts are irritating them. also the meat of my breast (what little exists rn) is a bit tender. cant wait to get growth! gotta remember to take my multivitamin to keep my B12 and folic acid intake high

my dick dont work. it does actually but its harder to get it up :( i heard that continues until you add progesterone so im going to start P as soon as i get my first blood tests in a couple months. if anyone has good DIY source for prog powder pls DM me. its nice that i dont get random erections anymore tho

also my ejaculate is so thin and low volume. i thought it would take longer for sperm production to stop but ig thats good right?

i decided to change from enantate injection every two weeks to weekly. i did my first shot at 11 mg, but the last two were 5 mg. i feel good. it feels good to be working towards becoming myself

  • RiotDoll [she/her, she/her]
    8 months ago

    I’m five-ish years in, and while I occasionally do topical T-gel application to the gonads to help augment function, i mostly just do E+P and no AA, my T is more or less suppressed (to the degree my hormone doc wants to titrate doses to get it up

    I’ve found that, w/r/t sex drive, i had three phases: the first phase was total sex drive loss. I spent Three-six months more or less with zero desire, zero horny, and no inclination towards sexual activity. About six months in things came roaring back, but were different in nebulous ways. As the years went on, from about 6 mo-year 2.5 - my sexual preferences began to shift - i more or less lost all masculine attraction for example, and the things that turned me on changed from visual and tactile to… almost conceptual? like before hormones, something like, a partner being sexy, or seeing some kind of sexual content would just cause like, linear arousal. These days, I barely can stand porn, and arousal comes from the interaction of like, emotional space, personal comfort and sense of safety, my attraction to a partner, real or imagined, and my ability to generate experiences I find erotic - it’s like a 2D->3D->5D jump for me, and I still don’t fully understand it, except i think boys are icky and that’s about the only certainty about the whole thing

    my sexuality has become this really interesting thing that’s hard to understand, and i’m finally starting to grok it, but the old ways are dead dead deaddddd