Ok story time.
I played a set with my band at a house show the other night, and had a great time. Afterwards this woman comes up to talk with me and compliment my set. We have several drinks together, dance to the next bands songs and talk.
This person is extremely straight presenting, and yet even i can tell I’m being flirted with. I figure that she is quite attractive and I’m enjoying her company, so I guess I’ll give it a chance. Night ends, we exchange numbers…
And she gets into a company truck of a local rapacious logging company to drunk drive home!
Fuckk that ending lol oof
Don’t listen to these other commenters. You can fix her.
I had a light bitter chuckle reading the conclusion of this story.
Then I hit the comments. I don’t think I’ve been this entertained in days.
Give her a chance. Maybe she stole that truck.
I’m not sober enough to decipher this thread
chicks rock
Right after I asked my wife to marry me, she accepted a new job with a police department. Then, she upheld truth and justice while in the lion’s den for more than a decade.
When I asked my wife to marry me I was trying to fill the hole in my heart with booze. Soon after she said yes I had the strength to stop.
I think you should give yourself a chance to understand why she’s choosing her what.
Then she upheld truth and justice while in the lion’s den for more than a decade.
I understand how childish and sensationalist this sounds, but the only plausible way for this sentence to be true involves a bomb vest.
What’s childish is that you passed judgment without asking any questions then spouted nonsense.
Was this Food Not Bombs PD? I doubt she was a custodian or a maintenance worker (if she was then I’m being a jerkoff, you got me). Anyone who plays a role in law enforcement falls under the label ‘cop’ and I don’t think I need to elaborate much more than that.
Lmao what a fucking loser
Hexbear holds a higher standard
No we absolutely do not lmao
Even when your mistake was pointed out and you were given the solution, you instead chose to double down.
So, I ran your post history through automated amalgamation, evaluated the results, and determined I’d be sacrificing little more than shallow opinions on games if I never saw another of your comments.
Best of luck finding new targets to hate.
So, I ran your post history through automated amalgamation, evaluated the results, and determined I’d be sacrificing little more than shallow opinions on games if I never saw another of your comments.
@[email protected] can we please make this a new site tagline?
wish granted
Best admins on the internet, folks
im gonna go to bed and when I wake up that better be a site tagline unless this poster’s wife is Ethel Rosenberg
I’ve your rent. But, I don’t help hateful beggers, only comrades. All you’ve got to do is reason out what you’ve done wrong here and communicate.
Your mum
You’re a monster
You’ve done more work in order to brag about how much work you did to say you don’t like a guy than any of us have calling you a loser and a nerd cause you’re a loser nerd. I bet you’ll tell your mom about this interaction
ACAB includes your wife. When you become a lion it’s not too hard to be in the den.
No, she was never a cop. But, you didn’t ask. When shit got difficult you abandoned your principles, comrade. My wife didn’t. She’s better than you in this way.
did your cop wife give you a file on GalaxyBrain or what? What makes you think you know anything about them?
Cop wife did surveillance, it was gonna be season 6 of The Wire where she watches me eat vegan Chilli and watch star trek and wants to leave her weird husband for me but knows it will never happen cause she’s a cop
You half-assedly assembled that sentence from half-remembered action movies in an attempt to deflect from the obvious.
You’ll never be part of the vanguard with such shallow perceptions and hasty judgements. You’ll never be an effective troll with such frivolous personal attacks. Your average comments are easily forgotten. You’ve my pity. But, no more of my time.
This might be the dweebiest comment I have ever seen lmao
Edit: no wait I scrolled further down and I think it’s number 2 in the rankings now
I remember when chapo didn’t tolerate such behavior as yours. Apes once had such a culture. BLM. Occupy. But, all leftist communities ideologically degrade over time. I perceive the beginning of the end.
Not your best work. Alas, I perceive the beginning of the end of what I hope for your sake was a bit.
But enough talk, have at thee
Hey mate, read less books
I’ve never joined the police force. My principles are well attended. When you say she took on a job with the police department and dont clarify, it’s pretty easy to infer she’s a cop, that’s most of who they hire. So you’re obfuscating her job amongst the cops. I know 40% of cops beat their wives, so are you under duress? PM someone if you are. So what did she do? Clean the desks for a contractor? Was she a rep for a german sheppard puppy mill? A consultant on how to be more racist? And how was her working for the cops good and cool?
Then she upheld truth and justice while in the lion’s den for more than a decade.
Truth and Justice are her .45s she used to execute shoplifters
The lion was a neighbors small dog
This person’s wife?
Hey so what job did your wife do at the police department anyway?
She led the civilian administrative group. She made sure that cops didn’t lie to the courts on their written reports by comparing it to mandatory body cam footage. She also made sure they didn’t lie to the statisticians or in response to Freedom of Information requests.
By COVID, near the end of her tenure, she’d also acquired the authority to annihilate their IT and communications infrastructure, and gained access to the means of making the physical facility unusable. But, it was not our time to strike. And, we couldn’t keep sacrificing to maintain that position anymore.
In her new position she’s an HR Director. In six months she’s somehow convinced leadership to change healthcare providers to far more expensive Kaiser. Her reasoning is that they’ve far fewer restrictions on care, including denying the lowest percentage of claims.
I’ve never seen chapo hate as they hate us below. It reminds me of being a communist in /r/politics during a POTUS election. So, thanks for asking. I hope it was in good faith.
Your story is interesting, as I suspected given your reaction to the ACAB reception your post provoked. Thanks for sharing, sincerely.
I know the frustration of being in a position to crash a system but recognising the futility of causing temporary minor disruption at the probable cost of your whole future.
Your wife sounds like a decent person. I can empathise with the intensity of your responses, even as I am amused at the absolute spiral into talking past each other that happened (and perhaps is still happening) elsewhere in the thread. I already know the fact that she’s moved into HR could provoke even more hostility and shitposting and I suspect you do too, so I respect your transparency in sharing and urge you not to take the bait even if it looks particularly juicy.
I think you’re perceiving my past and present quite well. It feels good to be understood. That makes it much easier to heed your advice and not take the bait.
Hey man don't let these people get you down! The fact that there's no ethical consumption under capitalism means that there isn't any ethical production under capitalism either.....
too bad cops don’t produce anything.
I appreciate you. I’m not easily bullied away from my principles and reason.
What I feel now is disappointment. I remember when we first were banned from reddit. The users themselves would moderate the foolish. It wasn’t the first time I found such a culture. They all scale and fail. But, I thought chapo would sustain because they implemented solid communist ideology.
I appreciate you. I’m not easily bullied away from my principles and reason.
What I feel now is disappointment. I remember when we first were banned from reddit. The users themselves would moderate the foolish. It wasn’t the first time I found such a culture. They all scale and fail. But, I thought chapo would sustain because they implemented solid communist ideology.