But this isn’t really a meme. Just a screenshot of madness.
Trump is following Hitler’s cookbook: change the schools, small kids are easier to form/change than adults. I only hope teachers keep teaching what is honest and good!
truly a champion for free speech 🤡
I wonder how will be the US’s method for ‘accidental demise’ moving foward.
Defenestration is already taken by Russia, but Trump is not that original, so I’m guessing he’ll use the same method, considering he’s working form Putin and all.One step closer to dictatorship
No masks, says the guy with the supporters wearing masks and carrying nazi flags
1st4th5th6th8th14thSo much for the 1st Amendment. Guess that’s only valid when it fuels the Trumpsterfire.
Sound alot like how russia works.
So we do it more.
What can you say to that? The Americans knew what they were getting into. They elected a fascist to power who is abolishing democracy. In case you didn’t know it yet, let me tell you: America is on the way to becoming a dictatorship.
I’m so fkng tired to see American politics even on the salad.
What is an illegal protest?
I’m not in his district but I was so impressed by Rep. AL Green’s (https://algreen.house.gov/about) courage in standing up to and calling out Krasnov’s and the GOP’s lies yesterday that I wanted to donate some money. Unlike all the impotent, sclerotic clowns who call themselves the Dem “leadership” and constantly ask me for money whilst the most they do are write “Strongly worded letters” and finger wagging, Rep. Green’s website was all about service to his district. I literally could not find a way to donate to him. But he is now a hero of mine. If only HE or one of the few with his courage and fire were leading the Dems. I wish he were 20 years younger. He’d have made a great president.
How much for our first amendment? …that’ll be $24 billon please! You get the presidency too if you’re famous. Feel free to grab people by their pussy. Enjoy!